Saturday, May 14, 2011

Easy Step Blocking Site with Mikrotik

There are times when an administrator confused enough to block some sites that are deemed not need to be accessed by a client. Among them are pornographic sites, which sometimes becomes a dilemma for an administrator. In spite of it all here I'll explain a little how to block sites with a very easy and so far it is still an effective way to apply in your Mikrotik router. This setting does not use a web proxy or proxy server.
Here is a step the setting:

1. Go to the menu ip -> firewall

2. Select Filter Rules tab, click on the General Tab and fill with the following settings:
     Chain = forward, source address = your local ip block, protocol = tcp

3. Switch to Advanced Tab -> Content, content with who we want to block sites

4. Move to Tab Action -> Action, select = drop 


     Now with the settings of the above, the router we've worked to block sites that do not want. Make sure the settings were successful with the check
from the client computer. Good luck

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

UFO Attend Wedding William-Kate

London - It seems that Prince William and Kate Middleton have uninvited guests at the wedding of his kingdom. Reportedly, the UFO hovering in place of their marriage.

A tourist reported the successful recording of a UFO hovering above Westminster Abbey, where the royal wedding. Two and a half minute video that shows an object shining in a cloudless sky near the Big Ben.

Looks shiny object that moves to and fro and changing shape. It also had split into three parts such as the USS Enterprise aircraft star of the TV series Star Trek.

"First we thought it was a parachute that flew too high," said the tourist was quoted as saying by the Sun.

It changes shape but remains above Westminster Abbey for 30 minutes and then disappeared, tourist information.

The apparition was spread right after the United States Air Force predicts the emergence of aliens who visit Earth to see William and Kate get married. [mor]
